As a young army officer, you saw action in British India, the Sudan, and the Second Boer War. You used your mother’s society connections to secure postings to any chance of military action in order to rapidly progress through the ranks. You gained fame as a war correspondent (at least partially to increase your income) and wrote books about your campaigns, before returning to England to begin the next step of your well-planned career; moving into politics. This was rudely interrupted by the arrival of the Martians and you were called back into the army.
Assigned to a combat unit at the forefront of the doomed fight against the Martians, your steadfast refusal to consider defeat, surrender, or a compromise peace helped inspire British resistance long after most others had given up all hope.
With the end of the war, you were promoted to Captain and assigned to the staff of the famous Sir George Cavendish, for an as-yet unspecified operation being put together in Whitehall and Kensington. Sensing the potential for greatness in Cavendish, you are on the lookout for advancement and fame as well as an opportunity to serve your Country.
A born leader and a patriot to your bones, you are absolutely indomitable and very nearly fearless, and capable of being ruthless and brutal in pursuit of what you believe is right. Your ability with stirring rhetoric makes you very good at motivating others. On an early assignment to Cuba you acquired a taste for Havana cigars, which you smoke whenever you can get them.
(Most of the classic “Churchill” quotes are in a future which may never exist for this man, but feel free to “invent” them at appropriate moments)